Thursday, April 2, 2015

Every Drop Counts: When Water Comes, Everything Changes

Water is the most basic human necessity. It is the most vital resource that affects a person’s health. At its finest, it can serve as a cure for diseases. At its worst, it causes them. These qualities therefore entail that water must be safe.

            In the Municipality of Siay, 191 cases of diarrhea were reported in 2012, of this, 129 cases came from Barangay Mirangan. Hence, diarrhea ranked 7th in the top 10 leading causes of morbidity in Barangay Mirangan. One of the factors attributed to this is the absence of safe water supply. During the initial assessment the following reasons for the problem on lack of safe water supply are the following:

1.      Utilization of open dug wells. Sixty-three percent (63%) of the population utilize the unprotected open dug wells as a source for drinking water. According to the guidelines set by the World Health Organization “Healthy Villages”, unprotected dug wells are open to contamination and pose a potential health risk. Hence, a criterion on the ”Characteristics of low-risk water sources” which includes the following was formulated.

ü  The water source is fully enclosed or protected (capped) and no surface water can run directly into it.
ü  People do not step into the water while collecting it.
ü  Latrines are located as far away as possible from the water source and preferably not on higher ground. If there are community concerns about this, expert advice should be sought.
ü  Solid waste pits, animal excreta and other pollution sources are located as far as possible from the water source.
ü  There is no stagnant water within 5 meters of the water source.
ü  If wells are used, the collection buckets are kept clean and off the ground, or a handpump is used.

2.      Decreased number of households practicing water purification methods. The survey done last 2011, revealed that out of 292 households, 62% practice cloth filtration, 21% practice boiling and only 3% utilize chlorination.

3.      Less perceived priority project for government.  It was also noted last 2011, that there were no existing legal support and barangay ordinances regarding a viable water source.
           In collaboration with identified key persons from the community, the following proposed solutions were discussed in order to meet the general objective of improving the water supply from “high risk” to “low-risk” water sources based on the criteria set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

            To ensure that the water is safe, either the water supply should be protected or the water should be treated before use. Low-risk water supplies for drinking and other domestic uses can be provided to communities in many ways. Often, unprotected water sources, such as springs, traditional wells and ponds, can be improved and this may be preferable to constructing completely new supplies (WHO-Healthy Villages, 2002).

            This was the principle behind the formulation of the strategies to provide safe water. The solutions addressing the problem on lack of safe water supply were rooted in (3) three major approaches namely: Governance, Education and Improvement of Water Sources.

Governance Approach
·         Assessment of existing legal support: identification of ordinances
·         Initiation of inter-sectoral linkages: collaboration with the barangay council, municipal engineering’s office, municipal sanitary inspector, and NGO’s.

Education Approach
·         Increase awareness on water-borne diseases and its health consequences: school based teaching “Kalibanga Monster”, family development session (FDS) “Kuyaw ug Pwede Mamatay sa Kalibanga”.
·         Increase the number of households utilizing proper water purification practices: promotion of Sodium Hypochlorite (HypoSol), Solar Disinfection (SoDis) Week at Mirangan Elementary School, SoDis promotion during FDS, campaign on proper rain water harvesting.

Improvement of water sources
·         Attainment of additional funding for installation of pumps: assistance from NGO’s for financial aid and procurement of pumps, collaboration with LGU for program of works.
·         Improvement of existing water: water analysis, signing of Memorandum of Agreement, “Poso para sa Mirangan” installation of hand pumps.

            Through series of consultations and collaboration with the barangay council, Local Government Unit and Non-government Organizations, several issues were addressed; previous, existing and future plans for water development; prioritization and scope of responsibilities for each sector were discussed. Formulation of new project proposals which tackles the current status and need for a sustainable water supply were addressed as well.
Meeting with the Municipal Engineer

Meeting with Municipal Sanitary Inspector

            In line with the Governance approach which fosters political will to help improve water projects in the community, the barangay council initiated in providing funding and priority on water supply projects in their annual budget. Creation of the Mirangan Water Sanitation Association (MIRAWASA) with its legal basis was realized to provide avenue to manage and govern the existence of a water system that will ensure sustainability of water supply for its consumers in Barangay Mirangan.

MIRAWASA Board of Trustees

            People empowerment was strengthened by increasing knowledge and influencing attitude; this was the main focus of the Education approach. It was made through series of Health Education Promotion in different setting and audiences respectively.

SODIS Water Disinfection Promotion Lecture

Hyposol Water Disinfection Promotion among households of Barangay Mirangan

            Promotion of different water purification methods: Solar Disinfection (SODIS), Chlorination (HypoSol), Proper rainwater harvesting were introduced and implemented through series of health teaching during Family Development Sessions (FDS). These were attended by the majority of the residents especially mothers. In line with increasing the awareness on the prevention of water-borne disease, school based health teachings were also presented and adopted by the students and faculty of Mirangan Elementary School. Hence, ensuring safe water and eventually reducing the risk of diarrheal cases in the community.  In addition, a sustainable supply of raw material like PET bottles for SODIS and Hyposol (Chlorine Solution) was made available in local stores situated in the barangay. In effect, these interventions, yielded increase in the households practicing SoDis from 9 to 24 households, and those utilizing HypoSol from 9 to 54 households.
Households who is practicing Hyposol

Households practicing Solar Disinfection

Promotion of SODIS Week at Mirangan Elementary School

Improvement of water sources through infrastructure development, proper assessment, field surveys and planning also had a great impact in reaching its main objective of developing water sources from “high-risk” to “low-risk” based on the WHO Criteria.

Inter-sectoral linkages were upheld to mobilize the community to its full potential.  A joint effort between the different branches of the local government and several NGO’s, delivered means to provide a program of works amounting to PHP 50,000.00 worth of construction materials which paved way for the installation of seven (7) handpumps during the 4th  quarter of 2014 and 1st quarter of 2015. These pumps were installed in strategic locations that resulted to easy access to safe and sustainable water supply for the majority of its population that covers from 7.4% in 2012 to 89% in 2014.

Signing of the Memorandum of Agrrement on Water Projects of the Barangay Council and Local Stakeholders

Construction and Installation of Waterpumps in Purok 6B (Before and After)

Construction and Installation of Waterpumps in Purok 6A (Before and After)

Construction and Installation of Waterpumps in Purok 5 (Before and After)

Construction and Installation of Waterpumps in Purok 3B (Before and After)

Construction and Installation of Waterpumps in Purok 3A (Before and After)

Along with the institution of the MIRAWASA and its assigned personnel; routine site inspection, unit maintenance of handpumps, and warranting clean and safe water through scheduled chlorination disinfection every 3 months was upheld in Barangay Mirangan.

            Given all the results of the combined approach and effort by all sectors involved, it is rational to conclude that the interventions engaged in the achievement of the goal for this problem were all effective. The problem on lack of safe water supply in barangay Mirangan has been addressed adequately through the full involvement and passion of the community to make a Mauswagong Mirangan a reality of today.

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